Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Super, over, as in superscribe. Trans, beyond, written also tra; as in trans- atlantic, trajectory. Ultra, beyond, as in ultramontane. 5. The Gkeek. Q. What does the Greek portion comprehend ? A. The Ancient Greek, and the Romaic, or Modern Greek. Q. How many people speak Modern Greek ? A. About two millions, including the Greeks scattered over Turkey and the Ionian Isles. Q. What use is made of Greek in the construction of our language ? A, It is especially used in the formation of technical terms. Q. Name some Greek roots. A. Aer, atmosphere, whence air, aerial, aeriform. Aether, rare atmosphere, whence ether. Agogos, a leader, whence demagogue. Arche, the beginning, a ruler, as in monarch. Aristos, best, as in aristocracy. Arithmos, number, as in arithmetic. Astron, a star, as in astronomy. Ballo (Boleo), I throw, as in symbol. Bapto, I dip, as in baptize. Bios, life, as in biology. Basis, a step, as in basement. Cliaris, love, as in charity. Christos, anointed, as in Christ. Chromos, colour, as in chromatic. Ghronos, time, as in chronic. Chumos, juice, as in chyme. Cosmos, the world, as in microcosm. Crites, a judge, as in critic. Crypto, I hide, as in crypt. Cyon, a dog, as in cynic. Deca, ten, as in decalogue. Demos, the people, as in demagogue. Diaita, food, as in diet. Doxa, an opinion, as in doxology. Drys, an oak, as in dryad. Echeo, I sound, as in echo. Ergon, a work, as in energy. Gameo, I marry, as in bigamist. Gaster, the belly, as in gastric. Ge, the earth, as in geology. Gennao, I produce, as in progeny. Glossa, the tongue, as in glossary. Glypho, I curve, as in hieroglyphics. Grapho, I write, as in autograph. Haima, blood, as in hemorrhage. Hippos, a horse, as in hippodrome. Hydor, water, as in hydrogen. Idea, a...