Party Walls: Law and Practice provides an authoritative explanation of the law regulating the building, maintenance and repair of party walls, and sets out the process for settling disputes between parties under the Party Wall etc Act 1996.
This fourth edition has been fully updated and considerably expanded to incorporate important case-law such as:
*Lea Valley Developments Limited v Derbyshire [HC 2017]
*The Queen on the Application of Farrs Lane Development Limited v Bristol Magistrates' Court [HC 2016]
*Gray V Elite Town Management Ltd [CA 2016]
*Dillard v F&C [HC 2014]
*Rashid v Sharif [CA 2014]
*Patel v Peters [CA 2014]
*Crowley v Rushmore Borough Council [HC 2010]
A comprehensive selection of precedents is provided, including notices, appeals, requests and awards, together with the full text of the Party Wall etc Act 1996.
Party Walls: Law and Practice is essential reading for all property lawyers, surveyors and architects.