Case-Based Reasoning - 18th International Conference, ICCBR 2010, Alessandria, Italy, July 19-22, 2010 Proceedings
The International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) is the preeminentinternationalmeetingoncase-basedreasoning(CBR). Through2009, ICCBR (http://www. iccbr. org) had been a biennial conference, held in alter- tion with its sister conference, the European Conference on Case-BasedReas- ing (http://www. eccbr. org), which was located in Europe. At the 2009 ICCBR,the ICCBR ProgramCommittee elected to extend ano?er of consoli- tion with ECCBR. The o?er was accepted by the ECCBR 2010 organizers and they have considered it approved by the ECCBR community, as the two conf- ences share a majority of Program Committee members. ICCBR and ECCBR havebeen theleading conferencesonCBR. From2010,ICCBRandECCBRwill be merged in a single conference series, called ICCBR. As there had been eight previous ICCBR events and nine previous ECCBR events, the combined series is considered the 18th ICCBR. ICCBR 2010 (http://www. iccbr. org/iccbr10) was therefore the 18th in this seriesof internationalconferenceshighlighting the mostsigni?cantcontributions tothe?eldofCBR.
TheconferencetookplaceduringJuly19-22,2010inthecity of Alessandria,Italy, on the beautiful campus of the University of Piemonte O- entale "A. Avogadro. " Previous ICCBR conferences were held in Sesimbra, P- tugal(1995),Providence,RhodeIsland,USA(1997),SeeonMonastery,Germany (1999), Vancouver, BC, Canada (2001), Trondheim, Norway (2003), Chicago, Illinois, USA (2005), Belfast, Northern Ireland (2007), and Seattle, Washington, USA (2009). Day 1 of the conference hosted an Applications Track, the second Doctoral Consortium, and the third Computer Cooking Contest. The Applications Track featured ?elded applications and CBR systems demos in industrial and scienti?c settingswithanemphasis ondiscussionandnetworkingbetweenresearchersand industrials.