Vadim Bibergan is the distinguished Petersburgian composer, creating music in dufferent genres — symphonic, chamber, folk instrumental, song and cinema ones. Bibergan's music is altogether emotional and ingenuous. His compositions are striking by artistic fluency, inventivenness and contrivances. Bibergan didn't ever compose for percussion, but all hus music is nourished with their sounding. The present collection is published according to the author's initiative. The collection would be great interest to performers and teachers as the concert and educational stock.Contents:MERRY-GO-ROUND. For xylophone and pianoMINUET PIZZICATO. For xylophone and pianoPOLKA-BUFFO. For two xylophones, tom-tom basso and pianoMARCH. For xylophone, side-drum, tom-tom basso and pianoGALOP. For xylophone, cymbal, side-drum, tom-tom basso, whistle and pianoCHUKCHI DANCE. For two xylophones and piano