1908. Volume 5 of 10; The History - Poetry, II Chronicles to Psalms. This issue of the Bible aims to bring the Sacred Book more vividly before the minds of readers, especially young readers. For this purpose, all the great picture galleries of the world have been consulted and compared, and copies from over a thousand of the most celebrated religious paintings have been arranged in sequence so as to depict each successive step of the holy story. The historical books deal with the history of the Israelites from the time of their entrance into Palestine, down through the "great captivity" at Babylon and the successful reestablishment of the captives in their homes in Palestine. These books cover a period of many centuries. The poetical books of the Bible stand on a wholly different level of authority from the other portions. The Hebrews divide their sacred writings into three classes: the Law, the Prophets and the Hagiographa.