The working conference dealt with recent developments in the
field of modelling and optimization and with knowledge based
decision support systems. This contributed to the realiza-
tion of the aims of the working group 7.6 which are: - to
promote theoretical research in the field of optimization
including mathematical programming and optimal control; -to
encourage the development of sophisticated knowledge based
systems in which refined optimization models and algorithms
are used; - to contribute to the exchange and dissemination
of information and collective experience among the inter-
ested groups and individuals; - to support the practical ap-
plication of such systems in control, engineering, industry,
economy etc.
A selection of papers is included into this proceedings vo-
lume since they reflect the current state of research in
areas of interest to the field of (KB)DDS, and/or they are
the value for the dissemination and exchange of information
related to research topicsof interest, and/or they describe
relevant practical experience related to designing, buil-
ding, implementing and using (KB)DSS.