Are you trying to publish an article or monograph, revise a dissertation, create a new textbook, compile an anthology, or write a trade book? Should you sign the publishing contract you have been offered? Is it wise to publish in an electronic journal? How much can you expect to earn from your writing? What are your legal and ethical responsibilities as an author? What can you expect from your publisher? In the fourth edition of this widely recommended book, Beth Luey offers answers to these questions, as well as practical advice on negotiating a contract, preparing an electronic manuscript, seeking permission to reproduce text or artwork, choosing illustrations, and indexing. She also suggests ways to write clearly not only for one's peers but also for students and general readers. A chapter on the business side of publishing explains costs and pricing for print and electronic products. This edition brings advice to academic authors fully into the age of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Both text and bibliography have been completely updated. A new chapter evaluates various electronic media for different kinds of publications and suggests ways for the technologically ambitious author to use them to best advantage.