Fictional historical romance based on a real story set during the period of the Mexican revolution. The son of a wealthy Spanish landowner and cattle baron in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, rebels against his father's iron fisted rule and harsh treatment of the poor native Indians of Mexico. Slipping off in the dead of night, following a verbal fight with his father, Chon joins a band of bandidos, robbing trains and coaches of their riches. As Pancho Villa sets the Mexican revolution in motion, the bandidos become revolutionaries fighting the rich landowners and federales. Chon finds himself at a crossroads in his life, having become the confidant to Chico, now a general for the revolution, and his secret love for an Indian maiden. Chon having become the head of the family following his father's death, visits his mother who he loves and admires. He must decide whether to adhere to his family's values or continue fighting for the poor and his secret love. Is blood thicker than . . . .