This resource for education professionals provides key information on dyslexia and dysgraphia, as well as practical recommendations for using research in the classroom.This book provides an overview of what recent research has added to our understanding of dyslexia and dysgraphia within the historical context of contributions from practice over the last century. The authors provide educators and therapists with research supported, practical instructional guidelines and methods for improving the oral language, reading, and writing of students with dyslexia and dysgraphia. The book blends science-supported conceptual frameworks with practical teaching strategies. It addresses identification of written language disabilities, interventions, specific topics such as reading and writing, and professional development.The message that the book communicates goes beyond learning from teaching and learning from research to taking a stand that both kinds of experience contribute to evidence-based practice.
This has become very important to teachers as they're instructed to incorporate more and more research into their practices while trying to figure out how to proceed with methods that they know work from their experience.