The theories presented in these nine volumes had a substantial impact on Darwinism and vice versa; both deal with the origins of the human species and the development of mankind. The texts selected are all rare and some have been virtually unobtainable until the publication of this collection. The central figures of racial anthropology are all represented here. The volumes by Pouchet, Waitz, Quatrefages, Vogt and Topinard show how race and anthropology were perceived in their relation to each other at the time of the birth of anthropology as a separate discipline. The text by Broca is one of the classic scientific texts of the period. Firmin's book on the equality of human races is one of the first and most penetrating rebuttals of the racism that infected scientific thinking about race at this time. Firmin was from Haiti and his study is regarded as a founding document of Pan-Africanism. The final volume is made up of important shorter writings on race of the period. Robert Bernasconi has written a substantial general introduction to the set and a brief prefatory essay to each volume. This collection should be welcomed by anthropologists, historians of science and many others.
Introduction by: Robert Bernasconi