This innovative textbook adopts a lifespan approach to mental health.
Paul Bennett provides an overview of factors that influence risk for mental health problems throughout the life course and emphasises lifelong models of mental health and disorders. In addition, he describes the nature and treatment of disorders specific to childhood, adulthood, and older adulthood.
Adopting a transdiagnostic approach, Clinical Psychology Through the Lifespan explores commonalities in the origins and processes associated with a range of disorders, as well as their unique features. Although the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for each of the disorders are outlined in an appendix, a key emphasis of the book is its clinical psychology perspective. This is highlighted by text boxes within each chapter which focus on therapeutic case formulation and specific therapeutic process or challenges.
Written for undergraduate and Master's level psychology students studying mental health, it will be of interest to students from a range of other disciplines including nursing, medicine, and allied health.
Paul Bennett is a professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Swansea, UK. He previously taught psychology at Cardiff and Bristol Universities and worked as a clinical psychologist for the NHS.