The Websters' Dictionary shows you how the big success stories in Web advocacy -- groups like and, starting from very little achieved such massive success. And how you can too. This book lays it out from the basic to the sophisticated. How to get a domain name (and what domain name to pick). How to create a great website ... or select someone to do it for you. What kind of site will let you use the power of Web 2.0 at the lowest possible cost. What style gives you impact. What content works? How much should you be prepared to spend? What kind of team will you need? It lays out best practices briefly, clearly, picturesquely and accurately. This is the dawning of the Age of the Internet. Be part of that. Become a Webster -- an activist, an operative, or a wonk who is using the Web to transform the world. Brilliantly and with wit, Ralph Benko provides agitators and advocacy groups the way to get out our message and to "organize" in the Web 2.0 world. Couldn't be more timely -- or needed. -- Steve Forbes, President and Chief Executive Officer of Forbes and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine. Spinning silica into worldwide webs of glass and light, the Internet has become a planetary community in need of a global guidebook. The Websters' Dictionary is it -- a cornucopian resource for all compendious world-warpers. -- George Gilder, author of Wealth and Poverty (the Bible of Reaganomics), and the high tech classics Telecosm and Microcosm. Benko provides the reader with a gentle guide through the dark forests of political advocacy on the Internet. A must read for anyone wishing to understand how the Internet is changing politics forever. -- Jimmy Wales, Founder and