Applied Advanced Technologies in Marine Fish Aquaculture provides detailed overviews on the most advanced technologies for full-cycle production of marine fish, from hatchery to market. The book describes original technical protocols that were improved over the years to assist the reader in all stages of aquaculture projects development, from inception to operation, at both research and commercial scales.
Professor Daniel Benetti conveys here all his extensive and successful experience working with dozens of commercially important marine fish species in several countries throughout the world. He addresses all basic and applied aspects of marine fish aquaculture, presenting the most advanced methods and protocols for all stages of the production cycle, from broodstock reproduction and management to spawning, larval rearing and early developmental stages including nursery and growout methods.
Applied Advanced Technologies in Marine Fish Aquaculture is innovative as it takes a practical, applied approach of merging science and technology of tropical and subtropical marine fish aquaculture into a state-of-the-art compendium with detailed guidelines that will serve as seminal reference for students, researchers, managers, investors, consultants, government officers and other professionals working in the field worldwide
- Provides expert evaluation of criteria required to develop marine fish aquaculture, including basic procedures for conducting feasibility studies, site selection, and species selection
- Describes basic methodologies of all production cycle stages, from broodstock capture to conditioning, spawning, larval rearing, nursery, and growout
- Conveys fundamentals of hatchery and nursery design, and detailed operational procedures of larval rearing and fingerling production
- Highlights advanced technologies of growout, including offshore aquaculture, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) and traditional flow-through systems using ponds, tanks, and raceways
- Includes principles and practices of environmental assessment and monitoring, proactive health management strategies, fundamentals of nutrition, and practical feed and feeding strategies