Drawing on the latest neuroscientific research and rooted in good practice, Educating Everyone presents the concept of Relational Inclusion, encouraging schools to reconsider their traditional perspectives on mental health and behaviour.
The authors pose thought-provoking questions about longstanding conventional approaches to behaviour management in schools that have remained largely unchanged since the inception of compulsory state education. They present a range of strategies that extend beyond the needs of individuals with complex requirements who are often isolated as a result of the misguided concept that they can be "taught" to conform. Relational Inclusion is advocated as an inclusive approach that can benefit all children and adults, fostering comprehension of the underlying causes behind behavioural challenges. This book provides an essential framework for responding to students' behaviour that has been tried and tested in real classrooms.
Schools play a pivotal role in teaching these essential skills and attitudes, and this accessible resource provides educators with valuable insights and practical strategies for creating a nurturing and supportive environment within school settings. It will appeal to educationalists across the educational sector, including headteachers and policy leaders as well as behaviour leads, classroom teachers, support staff, and anyone who works with children and young people.