Tales and Sketches
Hawthorne's short fiction in its entirety: his three collections, Twice-told Tales, Mosses from an Old Manse, and The Snow-Image, along with his tales for children based on Greek myths, The Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales, plus sixteen previously uncollected short stories. In a unique arrangement, all these stories appear in order of their first publication in periodicals, allowing the reader to experience the work of this masterful writer as it appeared before the American public.
Collected Novels
This second volume rounds off Hawthorne's complete fiction with his five novels. Includes his studies of historic and contemporary New England his acknowledged masterpiece The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, Fanshawe, written while Hawthorne was still an undergraduate, and his last completed novel of mystery and romance among American artists in Rome, The Marble Faun.