Helsinki, home of famous architects, designers and talented musicians is also the seat of some of the world's leading high-tech centres. How is it that the capital of such a small nation has achieved fame in so many fields?
Helsinki-The Innovative City describes how the capital of Finland was developed into a handsome, sophisticated city. It tells the story of how its innovative citizens and its determined City Council turned a small rocky seaport into a European city of distinction with fine public services and continuing links with the surrounding nature.
The history of Helsinki as an innovative capital is traced from the first years of the 19th century until the beginning of the 21st, exploring how the city and its people acquired their know-how, how the Second World War temporarily interrupted progress and how societal change was reflected in the life of Helsinki. A precondition of the rapid growth in the sciences, culture and economy has been the strong contribution from the city of Helsinki and the state authorities to the development of the infrastructure and education and to the ensuring of equality and democracy in society.
Miten ja miksi Helsingistä tuli innovatiivinen kaupunki ja Suomesta johtava high-tech-maa? Tämä odotettu teos seuraa Helsingin vaiheita Suomen autonomian alusta uudelle vuosituhannelle, jolloin Suomi nousi monien mittarien mukaan maailman kilpailukykyisimmäksi maaksi. Englanninkielinen ja runsaasti kuvitettu teos on suunnattu kansainväliselle lukijakunnalle. Kaunis lahjakirja.
Kuvittanut: Martti Helminen