The structural handling of the growth of our cities, with a focus at the same time on good urban design, requires new forms of cooperation. In view of increasing discussions about participation and "bottom-up urban development", there is a tendency to lose sight of the contribution to the dialog offered by those involved parties who are well-informed about the diversity of conflicting interests: experts, consultants, those responsible within authorities, and the political representatives on committees.
Baukollegium Berlin is an independent advisory board for the Senate Building Director in Berlin, whose members are experts from the fields of architecture, spatial planning, and urban development. Working methods and the role of the Baukollegium with regard to building policy, as well as its methodological significance for the promotion of building culture, are presented on the basis of numerous examples. The book contains interviews with Regula Luscher and David Chipperfield, as well as an essay about the conditions applicable to Berlin construction, and eight building project studies provide insights into how the Baukollegium works.