The life of a fisherman is a hard one. 'Mondays to Fridays he takes his boat to sea, Saturdays he takes his thirst to a pub, and Sundays he takes his wife to bed. And by God, by the time Monday morning's come around his wife is that sick of him that she's as pleased as the seagulls to get him off to see again.' David Jones did not take long to see the reason why.
A climbing holiday brought David Jones to the West Coast of Scotland. Chance, or was it fate, introduced him to Donald. The days, which grew into weeks, that he spent fishing for lobster and herring were unlike any that he had ever known before, and as he progresses from being a 'Green Hand' to a practised fisherman, he finds the change from his strict chapel-going home in Wales to this new world of the 'Hairy Wullies', the scalders and the dominating figure of King Herring both stimulating and hilarious.
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