"The Annual", the journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, is an essential source for student and faculty to keep abreast of new developments in Christian and religious ethics and to locate sources for research. It is indexed in The Philosopher's Index, Religion Index II, Religious and Theological Abstracts, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Content/Arts & Humanities, and Research Alert. The 1996 issue includes articles by Maria Antonaccio on Iris Murdoch's 'Godless' theology, William P. George on the ethics of international regimes, J. Brian Hehir on the changing realities of national sovereignty and the ethics of international relations, Roy May, Jr., on reconciliation in Latin America, Rebekah Miles on Reinhold Niebuhr and feminist ethics, Richard B. Miller on love and death in pediatric intensive care, Robert Tuttle on the common law in Paul Ramsey's ethics, William Werpehowski on anger in the Christian moral life, and David Hollenbach, in his presidential address, on social ethics under the sign of the cross. The professional resources section on covenant and ethics is edited by Douglas F. Ottati and Douglas J. Schurman.