Parallelism, Learning, Evolution : Workshop on Evolutionary Models and Strategies, Neubiberg, Germany, March 10-11, 1989. Worksh
This volume presents the proceedings of a workshop on
evolutionary models and strategies and another workshop on
parallel processing, logic, organization, and technology,
both held in Germany in 1989.
In the search for new concepts relevant for parallel and
distributed processing, the workshop on parallel processing
included papers on aspects of space and time,
representations of systems, non-Boolean logics, metrics,
dynamics and structure, and superposition and uncertainties.
The point was stressed that distributed representations of
information may share features with quantum physics, such as
the superposition principle and the uncertainty relations.
Much of the volume contains material on general parallel
processing machines, neural networks, and system-theoretic
The material on evolutionary strategies is included because
these strategies will yield important and powerful
applications for parallel processing machines, and open the
wayto new problem classes to be treated by computers.