Ever wondered why some of the biggest problems the World faces from Global warming to poverty, never get resolved? The reason is simple: the solutions just aren't convenient. Radio & TV host Glenn Beck doesn't care about being convenient or about making comments politicians & celebrities want to hear, he cares about common sense.
The world is a mess. It seems that every time you turn around, there's another problem:
*Iran is developing nuclear capabilities
*Obesity is a national epidemic
*The divorce rate is rising faster than petrol prices
This just barely scratches the surface. Sadly, there's no shortage of problems-what we need now are solutions. If only there was a man who could simplify things, cut through the rhetoric and fix everything? Then, if he was just able to put all of that insight into a book that people could buy...in a store and online - say, for like GBP16.99? now, that would great...
Wait a minute!
An Inconvenient Book - Real Solution to the World's Biggest Problems is that very book - the one source for the Real Story behind the problems that seemed too big and complicated to solve (until now) plus their common sense solutions.
Read by: Glenn Beck