Did you know that you might inhale toxic air on board an aircraft? And that after inhaling this air you could become severely sick? Pungent smells like 'smelly socks' or 'wet dogs' can't be attributed to cleanliness, but are the effect of toxic contamination and are the unpleasant fragrance of a mix of highly toxic compounds released into the cabin breathing air through the jet engines and on board spraying of pesticide chemicals. Anyone frequently flying, pregnant mothers-to-be, babies and small children, as well as the crews, are especially at risk of developing Aerotoxic Syndrome, which is a phrase coined by three scientists in 2000 to describe short- and long-term ill-health effects caused by breathing contaminated airliner cabin air. In instances that are becoming increasingly frequent, contaminants enter the cabin through the air-supply system. The danger, toxicity and neurotoxic properties of these compounds contained in the jet engine oils and fumes thereof, which attack the nervous system and the brain, has been known about since before the Second World War.The aviation industry is busy denying the existence of the problem and does its best to ignore the evidence of independent studies and the reports of thousands of victims.
This book gives you a comprehensive overview and lots of information of how to help yourself, while taking you on a journey through her twenty-year, much loved, flying career and life events and ensuing ill-health. A true testimony by Bearnairdine Beaumont, a former senior inflight supervisor of a well known major airline