Take the guesswork out of the most important decision you make!Interviewing and Selecting High Performers Every Manager's Guide toEffective Interviewing Techniques Current studies show thathigh-quality workers outproduce poor ones by 25% to 50%. Moreover,these findings reveal the alarmingly high direct and indirect costscompanies pay when they hire the wrong people. So why, asks RichardBeatty, would you want to rely on "hit-and-miss" approaches toselecting new employees? In his latest practical, career-orientedguide, Beatty says you no longer have to. Instead, this renownedconsultant and author shows how you can consistently choosehigh-quality performers who fit both your company's immediate needsand long-term strategic goals. Interviewing and Selecting HighPerformers provides you with an integrated, airtight, step-by-stepselection process. Using a high-performance predictive model, thissystem clarifies the key qualifications needed by candidates forhigh performance of specific jobs and provides a rigorous interviewdesign approach that enables you to objectively measure whether aparticular candidate meets that criteria. With the help ofreproducible evaluation forms, you're able to accurately weigh thestrengths and weaknesses of various prospects and account for theinevitable tradeoffs involved in the selection process, so that youminimize the risks inherent in the employment decision. Inaddition, Interviewing and Selecting High Performers offers youunmatched support, including:
* Sound, field-tested interviewing techniques
* Step-by-step instructions for designing effectiveinterviews
* Guidance on opening, conducting, and closing the interview, sothat you get the information you need while putting your company inthe best light
* More than 500 behaviorally-based questions covering 32 topicareas that help you determine a prospect's overall job fitness