Although social inclusion has been high on government agendas for some years, there have been few attempts at policy level to examine the issues relating to literacy education. Many social and cultural groups feel alienated from traditional models of literacy education and some learners continue to underachieve. This book presents insights into how to address these challenges. Terms such as social inclusion and social exclusion are defined, explored and related to literacy education by contributors who are renowned in the field. They deal with issues of literacy and social class, race, gender, language and sexuality. They offer insights into current concerns in these areas, and they outline curricula and pedagogical approaches which aim to address underachievement and disaffection. The book challenges traditional deficit notions of 'at risk' communities and argues that the onus for change needs instead to be at policy level. "Literacy and Social Inclusion" is essential reading for all those concerned with ensuring that literacy education, as practised in institutions, meets the needs and interests of all learners and closes the gaps between home, community and school.