By the turn of the century more than half the world's population will live in urban areas. This rapid pace of urbanization is forcing a rethinking of development priorities, and this book explores some of those initiatives.
The book opens with an introduction to the issues of urban development, taking a human development perspective as its central theme. Best practice in sustainable human settlements around the world is explored through an analysis of the nature of diversity in the city, organizational and participative issues, and the question of gender.
The contributors look at the experience of living and working in a variety of cities, of creating secure homes and neighbourhoods, of design and the creation of sustainable environments, and the provision of health services and transport. Chapters examine how women, older people, and people with disabilities experience life in the city. Case study material examines the urban experience in countries as diverse as India, Indonesia, Somalia, Peru, Spain and Britain. Throughout, the contributors discuss practical examples of valuing difference and diversity, illustrating the need for an inclusive city - a city for all.