MCI and Alzheimer's Dementia: Clinical Essentials for Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Disorders is the ideal choice for instructors who teach an adult language disorders course that includes a unit devoted to cognitive-communication disorders of adults with dementia. It succinctly presents the critical information about the cognitive-communicative disorders associated with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease. The population of individuals with Alzheimer's is exploding (a new case is diagnosed every seven seconds), and MCI has emerged as an important condition that SLPs can help identify and treat. MCI and Alzheimer's Dementia: Clinical Essentials for Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Disorders is unique for several reasons: It focuses on the most common dementia-producing disorder, Alzheimer's disease. It contains cutting-edge information about MCI, a very early stage of Alzheimer's disease that has gained worldwide interest because early identification provides options for early behavioral and/or pharmacologic treatments and because SLPs have a role in its identification and treatment.It covers the clinical essentials that students and practicing professionals need to know - definition, assessment, and treatment of MCI and AD.
It is written by individuals who have had decades of funding to study the cognitive-communication disorders of dementia and who have developed standardized tests that are widely used by SLPs. It is smaller than a text and larger than a book chapter and thus provides an economical way to learn the clinical essentials of this, the profession's fastest growing clinical population. MCI and Alzheimer's Dementia: Clinical Essentials for Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Disorders is a must have for clinicians and students working with the ever-expanding population of patients struggling with MCI and Alzheimer's disease.