"Cycling the Moon" is a full color illustrated satirical/funny science fiction book that has cross-over appeal to young adults and adults. It combines the humor of Douglas Adams with the allegorical facets of a C.S. Lewis book. The short novel makes fun of bureaucracy and our materialistic culture through a bunch of aliens. Within his small Southern town, a misfit, creative youth, Marty, whose father always wanted him to be more technical and whose mother always liked his creativity, finds a watch with a character in it that was thrown down to Earth by the Minister of Poetic Justice. The Minister of Poetic Justice, an executioner-like alien from a distant moon with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth-style leathery helmet, has shrunk down a time traveler, Tempus Fugit, and has put him in the watch as punishment for his trying to turn his entire moon into a time travel device. After Marty finds this watch, various adventures and misadventures ensue.