Extrusion, Second Edition offers both a broad and in-depth view of this important metalworking process. The comprehensive coverage enables experienced engineers as well as students and academics to understand the extrusion processes, equipment, and tooling.
The first edition of this book, published in 1981, has been the standard reference on extrusion. The new updated and expanded edition continues to serve as an overview of extrusion processes, equipment, and tooling. Increased coverage of extruded products is provided to demonstrate the range of current applications and suggest potential applications in new areas. The metallurgical fundamentals of extrusion are covered in detail to enable engineers to optimize the process. The discussions on extrusion equipment, plant layout, and tooling have been extended to include practical application examples. The examples emphasize the necessary collaboration among the customer, extruder, tool maker, and equipment manufacturer. All of these parties will benefit from this book.
Extrusion, Second Edition is the authorized English translation of the German-language book Strangpressen, published by Aluminium Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf. The English version was translated by extrusion expert Alan Castle, who also participated in the translation of the first edition.