This book is an attempt to show something of the ways in which the Bible and the Christian tradition intersect the language of Shakespeare. Word and Rite also focuses on the manner in which rites are efforts to illuminate mysteries: the mystery of marriage, the mystery of baptism, the mystery of confession, the mystery of the Eucharist, the mystery of funerals, and even the mystery of words, in their relation to the Word. Holy objects such as the Fountain of blood may also be considered. Maimed rites frequently occur in Shakespeare, but through ceremony there are attempts to turn mayhem into mystery--especially in comedies. In the words of the author of the Foreword to this book:" In Shakespeare word and rite are as inseparable as word and sacrament in outward signs of inward truth are linked with words of these plays and with Scripture and with the Word incarnate." This book also explores the ramifications of observing this insight.