PROJECTING PROJECT FINANCE MODELLING. If you have a beginner’s grasp in accounting, finance and Excel, you might be tempted to explore the quantitative, decision-centric world of Project Finance, ring-fencing funding for profitable projects. This book seeks to demystify the area and show how the basic principles of financial modelling, first heralded in An Introduction to Financial Modelling, may be applied and modified here. The book explains “Project Finance” and how it differs from “project finance” at the outset. It then provides various Excel pointers on Excel’s key functions and features, before crafting together the salient points of “Best Practice” modelling. This book is practical: it provides numerous examples including a full case study showing how to model Project Finance, separating the concepts (and modelling) of construction and operations, including delivering a Cash Flow Waterfall, Sources and Uses of Funds, various valuation techniques, plus demonstrating how to create scenario, sensitivity and ratio analyses. A standalone tome where you need not have read the previous volumes, this book includes the usual humour too.