Deviating from the typical thematically organized mythology anthology, Barry Powell organizes this text first by geography and then by chronology. By doing this the text becomes a ‘history of the world,’ showing us how different peoples understood their environment and its challenges through myth.
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Worldly and scholarly, this well-designed text presents myths from around the world in a lively and easy-to-read manner. The material has been arranged by geographic and chronologic origin. It features fresh translations, numerous illustrations, maps, and commentary that emphasizes the anthropological, historical, religious, sociological, and economic contexts in which the myths were told.
0321878221 / 9780321878229 World Myth with NEW MyLiteratureLab -- Access Card Package
Package consists of:
0205730523 / 9780205730520 World Myth
0205883583 / 9780205883585 NEW MyLiteratureLab -- Valuepack Access Card