Information Processing in Medical Imaging - 13th International Conference, IPMI'93, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, June 14-18, 1993. P
This volume contains the proceedings of the thirteenth
biennial International Conference on Information Processing
in Medical Imaging (IPMI XIII), held on the campus of
Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, in June
1993. This conference was the latest in a series of meetings
where new developments in the acquisition, analysis and
utilization of medical images are presented, discussed,
dissected, and extended. Today IPMI is widely recognized as
a preeminent international forum for presentation of
cutting-edge research in medical imaging and imageanalysis.
The volume contains the text of the papers presented orally
atIPMI XIII. Over 100 manuscripts were submitted and
critically reviewed, of which 35 were selected for
presentation. In this volume they are arranged into nine
categories: shape description with deformable models,
abstractshape description, knowledge-based systems, neural
networks, novel imaging methods, tomographic reconstruction,
image sequences, statistical pattern recognition, and image