Your Voice Is Your Business: The Science and Art of Communication, Second Edition combines the latest in voice research and technology with the most powerful, state-of-the-art presentation skills and methods. The result is an integrated and comprehensive approach to connecting the technically based aspects of voice production with an applied, skill-based grasp of interpersonal effectiveness. This text serves as both a practical handbook and a resource on human vocal production in real-world settings. Relevant techniques of positioning, gesture, and paraverbals are incorporated in the study of successful voice presentation. Additionally, technical information is integrated into the text and reviewed at the end of each chapter.This second edition responds to the readers' desire for an expansion of the topics, illustrations, and techniques found particularly effective in the first edition, and provides new information reported in recent speech-language pathology literature in two brand-new chapters with vivid, powerful, and direct explanations and exercises.Your Voice Is Your Business The Science and Art of Communication, Second Edition has been designed for ease of use for the student of voice science or anyone eager to use their communication abilities to their best advantage at work, on stage, or in everyday life.
This text includes terminology and references suitable to the serious student of the voice, as well as detailed, realistic scenarios to further any professional's knowledge on the art of human communication, and will be a staple in multiple fields including speech-language pathology, communications, theater and drama, and business.