In line with the SPRUCE initiative, concerned as it is withStatistics in Public Resources, Utilities and Care of theEnvironment, the recent conference brought together leading workersfrom a widely multidisciplinary background. The SPRUCE IV programmewas divided into five thematic sections:
* Small Area Studies and Disease Mapping
* Atmospheric Pollution Studies
* Disease Risks and Social Effects
* Effects of Radiation
* Agriculture and the Food Chain
Providing a stimulating overview of current methods and developingresearch trends across the field of Statistical Aspects of Healthand the Environment, this volume presents a co-ordinated andstructured review of the recent SPRUCE conference. This volume isthe fourth in the Wiley Series on Statistics and the Environment.Environmental issues continue to be of major concern to scientistsand those involved with policy formulation. The concisepresentation of arguments, statistical models and their applicationwill make this volume essential reading.