Your Guidebook to Finding Work that Matters
Sometimes following your calling means taking a risk, getting creative. You long to do work that matters-whether it's in a coffee shop or an executive office, in a school or hospital. Yet that kind of fulfillment doesn't always happen in your 8 to 5, which means you may have to find it elsewhere. Sometimes you follow your calling by multi-careering.
With over 20 full-color infographics, Multi-Careering, by bestselling author Bob Goff, helps you navigate the "new normal" of careers. Whether you've had a handful of careers in your lifetime or a handful of careers this month, consider Multi-Careering your guidebook to finding work that leaves the world in a better place than you found it.
Multi-Careering is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more.