The title of this book can be a little misleading because ostensibly this is just a book about how to deal with complaints. And while complaints are talked about on just about every single page, this book is really about a much more important and broader topic: delivering great service. Everyone knows that great service is important, yet very few companies deliver it well. Why is that? The concept of great service is a simple enough concept, but in practice it's actually a very hard thing to do right. We work at our service delivery every single day at Zappos. This book serves as a how-to guide for taking the first step to building a customer-service-oriented organization. If you can turn your organization into a complaint-friendly organization by following the steps outlined in this book, then you will be well on your way to being one of those rare companies that deliver great service. It's not an easy path, and it won't happen overnight. It happens one step at a time, and reading this book is probably one of the best first steps you can take.