When Scrooge hides his money in an ancient Cathedral, he doesn't expect a black-cloaked, spectral fowl to pursue it...but then, he hasn't met Carl Barks' "Phantom of Notre Duck!" Then it's Scrooge's demolition robot versus Donald's monster crane in Gorm Transgaard's and Cesar Ferioli's "Wrecking War!" John Lustig (Last Kiss) finds Scrooge and Miss Quackfaster "A Soft Job for a Hard Head"; then Freddy Milton pits the Beagle boys against feisty guard dogs in "Bow-Wow-Wow-Yippee-Yikes!" Magica De Spell and Gladstone Gander shorts and an all-new Don Rosa back cover pin-up round out the book.
Visual artist(s): Don Rosa, Kari Korhonen, Mau Heymans, Carl Barks, Jose Massaroli, Freddy Milton, Cesar Ferioli