Vera Charlesworth Barclay (1893-1989), was a British Scoutmistress, active in the Scout movement since her joining in 1912. She wrote How a Lady Can Train the Cubs, which appeared in the scouting Headquarters Gazette in 1915, and continued to contribute to it, and publish books for many years. She sometimes wrote under the pseudonym Margaret Beech. Her works include: Danny the Detective (1918), Cubbing: How to Run a Cub Pack (1920), The Mysterious Tramp (1920), Character Training in the Wolf Cub Pack (1921), Stories of the Saints by Candle-Light (1922), The Book of Cub Games (as editor) (1923), Jungle Wisdom: A Book for Cubmasters (1925), Good Scouting: Notes from a Catholic Parish (1927), The Scout Way (1929), Potted Stories to Tell Cubs and Scouts (1931), Knave of Hearts (1933), The Mystery of Mortimer's Wood (1934), Dannny and the Rattlesnakes (1934), Scout Discipline (1934), Peter and Veronica Growing Up (1935), Jane and Tommy Tomkins (1938), Jane Versus Jonathan (1946), They Found an Elephant (1950) and Challenge to the Darwinians (1951).