For sales or pricing inquiries outside of the United States, please visit: to access a list of international CDX Automotive Account Managers. Diesel Technology: Engines, Student Guide, Second Edition consists of four sections. Section A is an introduction to engine principles and procedures. Section B is devoted to more in-depth work on the individual engine systems and components. Section C examines both mechanical and electronic fuel systems, with updated information and new units. Section D covers engine diagnosis and maintenance. The teacher edition includes a crosswalk document that identifies where each NATEF/ASE task is covered, aligning with the Medium/Heavy Truck Training Programs. For each section, the student will find: * Learning Activities Sheet-Outlines each activity a student must complete to gain a full understanding of the topic. * Objectives Sheet-Outlines the key points for the student. * Information Sheet-Provides the theory behind the topic. After reading the information sheet, a student will have a solid foundation from which to work. * Student Supplement-Provides the student with a ready reference for use on-the-job.