Have the latest scientific findings about distribution and change at your fingertips, including chapters telling the atlas story and highlighting the factors influencing our changing bird fauna. Bird Atlas 2007-11 is the most complete and comprehensive overview of bird distribution and change in Britain and Ireland, and contains over 1300 novel maps of distribution, abundance and change, giving an assessment of the status of 296 regular breeding and wintering species. The Bird Atlas 2007-11 has been compiled from over 19 million records collected by over 40,000 volunteer surveyors through timed visits, roving records and other sources, over four summers and winters. A total of 261 breeding species were recorded in Britain and 165 in Ireland. Wren, Swallow, Blackbird and Robin are among the 10 most widespread breeding species in both islands.In the wake of this nation-wide project a large number of breeding atlases of individual counties have been published, an overview of which can be found in this NHBS-curated list.Watch the BTO video below to find out more about the making of this book: