BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ROAD- MAKING AND ROADS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM BY DOROTHY BALLEN. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY SIR GEORGE GIBB, Chairman of the Road Board. Xonon P. S. KING SON, ORCHARD HOUSE, WESTMINSTER. 1914. COMPILERS NOTE. No originality is claimed for the research of which the results are embodied in the following pages. It was undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Sidney Webb, in view of the recent revival of interest in highway problems due to the Development Act of 1909, and is merely a revised and considerably enlarged edition of the Bibliography compiled by Mr. and Mrs. Webb in 1906. During the years 1907-1911 Professor Webb had amassed a quantity of notes for incorporation in the second edition of the Bibliography and I am indebted to him not only for these notes, which he trans- ferred to me at the beginning of my task, but for further notes and valuable suggestions during the progress of the work. At an early stage in the work, it became evident that a complete record of the literature of British and Irish roads would be undesirably bulky. It was therefore decided to omit certain classes of documents, viz. 1 The Ordnance Survey maps, official cata- logues of which are available. 2 Guide-books not intended primarily for travellers by road, and published after 1850. 284142 vi COMPILERS NOTE 3 Local Acts of Parliament relating to turn- pike roads, bridges, and streets. For those issued between 1800 and 1900 a good indexhas been issuedby the Government while those of earlier date are listed, and many given in full, in Danby Pickerings edition of the statutes. 4 Annual reports of Surveyors and of Highway Committees. With the exception of these groups, the biblio- graphy is asnearly complete as the materials within reach would allow. The British Museum Catalogues have proved invaluable, especially in the historical sections, while that of the Patent Office Library has supplied the greater part of the section on road construction and repair. In addition to the catalogues of these two libraries and of the British Library of Political Science, the following are the principal sources which have been consulted in the course of the work Anderson, J. P. Book of British Topo- graphy. 1881. Bibliographia Economica Universalis, 1902- 1912. Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaften, 1905 et seq. Borght, R. van der. Verkehrswesen. 1894. Byrne, Austin T. Treatise on Highway Construction. 1892. Engineering Magazine. Indexes to Engineer- ing Periodicals, 1888-1912. COMPILERS NOTE vii Frost, Harwood. Art of Road-Making. 1910. Gillespie, W. M. Manual of ... Road- Making, loth ed. 1871. Galloupe, F. E. Indexes to engineering periodicals, 1883-87. Greenwood, E. Classified guide to technical and commercial books. 1904. Jenkins, Rhys. Guide to the Literature of Power Locomotion on the Highway. 1896. King, P. S., and Son. Lists of London County Council Papers. Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-Wesens der letzten 30 Jahre, hrsg. von A. Malberg. 1852. Local Government Review, 1909 et seq. McCulloch, J. R. Literature of Political Economy. 1845. Municipal Affairs. Bibliography of muni- cipal problemsand city conditions. 1901. Nelson, Thomas, and Sons. Standard Books. 1910-11. New York State Library. Selections from the best books of 1900-09 annual. Osthoff, G. Klinker und Klinker-Strassen. 1882. Petsche, A. Le bois et ses applications au pavage. 1896. Pratt, Edwin A. History of InlandTrans- port and Communication in England. 1912. viii COMPILERS Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, 1905-12. Review oj Reviews Index to Periodical Literature, 1890-1902. Sonnenschein, W. S. Best Books, 2nd ed., and Readers Guide to Contem- porary Literature. 1894. U. K. Govt. Indexes to Parliamentary Papers, 1696-1912. DOROTHY BALLEN. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE COMPILERS NOTE v INTRODUCTION . . . . xiii BIBLIOGRAPHIES I GENERAL WORKS 1 . HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . ., 3 2. ADMINISTRATION 9 GREAT BRITAIN 1. HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION.. .. .. .. .. 22 2...