Sex robots, sexy robots, robots for sex, machines designed to substitute humans, even in bed. Yes, you understood. We will have sex with robots in the not-too-distant future. This time, it is not science fiction. Sex robots are already a reality: for now, the prototypes are rather rough and not very sophisticated, but in the future, technology will be able to produce robots that closely resemble a human, capable of interacting with people and responding to vocal, visual and tactile stimuli. They will recognise the interlocutor, understand their state of mind and know their tastes and preferences. Maurizio Balistreri introduces us to the fascinating world of future sex, facing without taboo or half-measures all the ethical questions raised by the large-scale sex robot business. What will be of love if our relationships are with a machine? What will happen to the world of paid sex and pornography? Will sex robots increase or decrease sex crime?