Lead by Example reveals the simple things that you can do every day to give your team a reason to believe in and follow your guidance.
To be effective, the people in charge must give their team a reason to follow them and work together. It would seem easy, but as leadership guru John Baldoni explains, establishing this level of trust in your abilities as a leader takes a lifetime of trying to put it into practice.
In his award-winning book, you will learn how to do this by:
listening for ideas;
managing around obstacles;
defusing tension;
checking their egos;
standing up for what they believe in;
managing crises;
developing team confidence;
recruiting good people;
effectively delivering bad news;
handling defeat;
and even engaging their enemies.
Great leadership requires decisiveness, authority, conviction, compassion, and, most important, the ability to set the right example. Filled with examples of visionary leaders who have overcome their own shortcomings and achieved greatness, Lead by Example will show you how to build trust, drive results, and win the respect of the people you lead.