CD / Album
1. Prologue
2. Introduction
3. The Sheriff and the Hangman enter
4. 'Wait! Gimme a break...'
5. Sheriff and Hangman announce entrance of Johnny's mother
6. Duet: 'Have you brought me silver?'
7. 'Let's get him...'
8. 'Hangman, slack your rope...'
9. Sheriff, Hangman and Townspeople 'Let's check that its not a lie...'
10. 'Sorry sonny Johnny...'
11. Instrumental section
12. 'Hangman, slack your rope...'
13. 'Wait! I'm his sweetheart...'
14. 'No waiting...'
15. 'I don't ask your forgiveness...'
16. 'Nonsense...'
17. 'Viva Johnny!'
18. 'What the heck!...'
19. Prelude
20. 'Petting my cigar...'
21. Deals: 'Hi Mr. Johnny.'
22. Lento: 'In my dreams I rode high...'
23. A deal: 'I'm Tokopoko'
24. 'I am your sweetheart...'
25. 'Sorry sweetheart...'
26. Johnny, back in his office with mother, Father and Sweetheart
27. 'There is trouble in town...'
28. 'Let's hang him at once...'
29. 'Quiet everyone...'
30. Lento molto - Final love duet: 'I love you'
31. Piu Mosso: 'Pull him...'
32. Epilogue