Since his overthrow in 1852, the chronicle of the steadfast and ruthless actions by Juan Manuel de Rosas and his allies became commonplace within the bibliography of the development of that fledgling country. BajarlÍa takes an objective journey where other men of Argentine history, such as Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, show a violent and murderous face, as criminal as the ones who shouted for the death of the “savage Unitarians.” Published for the first time in 1983 with the title Sables, historias y crÍmenes, Morir por la patria is not only an anthology of the most famous crimes committed during a time when death, revenge, and cruelty prevailed but also a portrait of the darkest and most tragic figures of the nation’s dawn: Camila O'Gorman, Facundo Quiroga, General Juan Lavalle, Damasita Boedo, Florencio Varela, and many others. This book is a window to the past that allows us to rethink the problems of the present, when Argentina is preparing to commemorate its second century of life.