The book reports three studies that were undertaken of what "moves" people - firstly as individuals, through verbal interviews; secondly in a public house, through working behind the bar; and thirdly in a residential community, through being the Rector of a parish. In each case it poses the question, whether our understanding of the human reality revealed in the situation, can be progressed by comparing it with what is known about religion. In other words, can Religious Studies help us to understand secular life, in the way that Social-scientific
Studies have helped us to understand the religious life?
The Implicit Religion that is looked for in the three studies is defined in terms of people's commitments or integrating foci, or intensive concerns with extensive effects. The first study revealed an all-but-ineffable apprehension and valuation of the Self. The second revealed a context in which Selves can "hold their own" with other Selves. The third unexpectedly revealed a commitment, which was as ultimate as it was intimate, to what was called "Christianity". The content of this belief is analysed, and compared with historical forms of Christianity.
This attention to intentionality may be seen as the particular contribution that the study of Religion, and of Religions (as type-cases), can make to the social-scientific understanding of human behaviour and human being. In the three decades that have passed since Dr. Bailey began to test this approach, much "post-modernity" theory has moved in a similar direction. This volume constitutes the firts full-lenght report, of the first systematic tests to have been made, of a concept that has come to be accepeted in both academic and religious circles.