1919. For the Children's Hour Series. Contents: The Drawing of the Sword; How the Round Table Came; The Treachery of Morgan le Fay; Beaumains, the Knight of the Kitchen; and Geraint and Enid were all Adapted from the Legends of King Arthur; The Passing of Arthur from Tennyson's Idylls of the King; The Story of Roland, Adapted from the Song of Roland; Beowulf, Adapted from the Story of Beowulf; Frithjof, the Viking, Adapted from the Saga of Frithjof; Robin Hood and Maid Marian, How Robin Hood Won the Golden Arrow, and How Will Scarlet Joined Robin Hood's Merry Men were all adapted from the Adventures of Robin Hood; Patient Griselda and The Rocks Removed were adapted from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales; The Earl Mar's Daughter, Adapted from an old Ballad; The Battle of Chevy Chase, Adapted from the Ballad of Chevy Chase; Una and the Red Cross Knight, The Red Cross Knight's Last Battle and Sir Guyon's Great Adventure were all adapted from Spenser's Fairy Queen.