Distribution System Modeling with Distributed Energy Resources: Local Energy Markets, Aggregators, Grid Services, and Flexibility utilizes a wide range of modeling approaches to support DER integration into the energy grid. The book opens by introducing basic principles and challenges of modern energy systems and the role of DERs in resolving issues, as well as regulatory considerations and frameworks across a variety of distributions. It goes on to demonstrate and evaluate mathematical modeling and optimizing methods, including robust and adaptive robust methods, the two-stage stochastic method, and bi-level optimization approaches.
This theory is then applied to a range of test-cases which use the DER aggregator as either price-maker or price-taker, apply Karush-Kahn-Tucker condition, dual theory approaches, and bilateral contacts, TSO-DSO cooperation, and decision-making tools. With a practical, holistic approach, this book supports graduate students, researchers, and industry engineers in energy systems modeling to design sustainable power grids for the future.
- Combines theoretical and practical perspectives
- Includes plenty of case studies and examples to illustrate principles
- Provides tools and modeling methods for practical decision-making