There never was nor will be a definitive book on international schools. They are not static institutions but living organisms that continue to develop and change as the world changes. 'La mondialisation' or ' The globalisation' has increased the movement and rate of change of people from many countries. The need to follow the labour requirements of a global economy has made many schools international in their outlook. A city like Sydney now has as many people born outside Australia as within. These patterns of movement were once the prerogative of the wealthy, now they are becoming more accessible to all strata of society. There is a sense in which all schools are international. The Internet is available in many countries bringing with it a shared vision of the world. The control of information has become one of the greatest creators of wealth. While not all schools have the ability to provide available information technology, the gap between schools across the globe is arguably diminishing. This book is predominantly about international schools and presents important information applicable to education around the world.