This book explores wireless communication elements, focusing on mm and THz wave generation, specifications, material innovations, machine learning integration, and applications. Computational methods like genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks optimize mm-wave and THz devices.
The microwave spectrum is often crowded, making millimeter (mm-wave) and terahertz frequencies the preferred choice for next-generation high-end applications. Millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) fifth-generation (5G) communication technology addresses reduced time delays, increased data transmission speeds, and minimized energy consumption, crucial for diverse user devices.
While 5G networks advance with Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) multiplexing and mm-wave communications, the THz band offers even greater spectrum availability for systems like 6G. The surge in THz systems research aims to meet expanding technological demands, promising unprecedented data rates.
THz-wave technology finds applications in wireless communications, remote sensing, and chemical analysis. For THz-wave technologists, this book is a valuable resource, covering research trends and demands, along with computational/simulation methods.
Topics include Terahertz passive circuit modeling, mm-wave device simulation, Terahertz metrology, data transmission via mm-wave and THz signals, high-speed channel modeling, antenna design, graphene applications in 6G devices, THz absorbers, and sensors.